Our Method
We start from a keen analysis of the commercial reference scenario and we undertake a market research focusing on the competition study and positioning evaluation. We know the relevance of knowing the company in depth, its background, priorities and objectives, before starting a path of growth. We develop a medium-long term commercial plan; this will be our compass of the length of the collaboration with the winery.
We are Export Managers for our wine cellars. Not only external consultants, but real part of the company’s team.

Our points of strength
Consolidated partners in USA, China, Switzerland, Benelux, Germany, Greece, Canada, South Africa and Australia. Customized collaborations all over the world. We are experienced in the management of competitive bidding process and participation at tenders. We developed It’s Wine digital gate for the B2B global sales. We plan the activities overseas offering the resources optimization, attending the events in group: exhibitions, B2B, online tastings and meetings, walk around tastings.
We support the winery in the management of the back-office work.
The experience of our team in the wine industry is your winning weapon.

Improve the sales by planning the growth
Discover how to work with us to develop your sales network. We will be your partner and we will cooperate to reach new objectives through our experience and our contacts.
the channels
Which are the best markets to sell your wines?
How would you like to set up your sales network in these markets? Which channels are suitable? What’s the ideal positioning?
the export
Attend the promotion activities overseas with our group of wine cellars and our experts. Get all the advantages of being part of a group. We select and organize the best exhibitions, B2B, walk around tastings, meeting with the importers and online tasting.
the contacts
Get all the advantages of being part of our consolidated commercial network around the world. Reliability and integrity to guarantee long lasting collaborations. USA, China, Switzerland, Benelux, Germany, Greece, Canada, South Africa, Australia and customized collaborations all over the world.
The international revolution in the sales process dedicated to the professional of our industry. It’s Wine digital gate has been created and developed by VMO Group’s team, it is an updated and detailed catalogue of all our wines, it is the online store for the HoReCa channel.
Our Services
A modular offer, the best solution for every requirement
We are specialized in supporting the wine companies and maximizing their brand value, through commercial development, strategic planning, marketing, communication and management of the export budget. The Valsecchi 360° package is an all-inclusive range of services to manage the activities. Alternatively, we can select together the single area of intervention and choose the most suitable service for your company. We analyze the requirements of the wine producer to choose the best path to undertake.